Current District of Columbia Army National Guard Soldiers who extend or immediately re-enlist may be eligible for the Re-enlistment Extension Bonus (REB). (NOTE: The bonus is available for both deployed and stateside Soldiers.)
Current DC Army National Guard Soldiers must meet the following general eligibility criteria to qualify for an REB:
You must have less than 13 years and one month time in service at the time of your current ETS, based upon your Pay Entry Basic Date. The total military service criteria includes time in an inactive status.
You must hold the military-grade and skill qualification required for the position you're re-enlisting/extending into (with the exceptions below).
Soldiers re-enlisting/extending cannot receive more than two bonus incentives during a contractual period. Soldiers currently receiving benefits under the Montgomery GI Bill® Kicker are eligible for the REB. Soldiers with an active Student Loan Repayment Program contract are eligible provided they will not receive payments during the same term of service as the re-enlistment/extension period.
You must be in a pay grade of E-3 to E-7 on the date of request and contract start date.
You must re-enlist/extend for either a two-, four- or six-year term of service.
You must re-enlist or extend Duty Military Occupational Skill Qualified (DMOSQ) in an MOS within most units (check with your Readiness NCO or state Incentive Manager to see if your unit qualifies), regardless of state or national assigned strength levels, unless that unit is in a transition period (deployment, reorganization, inactivation or relocation) only. (Exceptions are 25 or 35 Series DMOSQ Soldiers transferring to fill a 17 Series in a Cyber Unit.)
Additional units authorized are Special Operations Detachments (SOD), Medical TDAs and Cyber units.
If you are deployed outside the continental United States (OCONUS), you must be under mobilization orders (USC Title 10 section 12301 [d], USC Title 10 section 12302, or USC Title 10 section 12406).
You must re-enlist or extend between 0 and 365 days of your ETS.
You cannot be under any type of Suspension of Favorable Personnel Actions at the time of re-enlistment or extension.
You cannot be in a Military Technician status (includes indefinite technicians and temporary technicians on assignment for more than 180 days in any continuous 12-month period).
You cannot be in an Active Guard Reserve (AGR) status. This includes an AGR Soldier in a Troop Program Unit status while deployed.
AMOUNT (Effective 1 May 2022)
Six-year Reenlistment/Extension Bonus (REB) payment rate:
For a minimum 6 Years
Pay Grade E-3 through E-7
No greater than 13 years and 1 month TIS on contract date
Payment is processed lump sum upon contract date
Four-year Reenlistment/Extension Bonus (REB) payment rate:
For a minimum 4 years
Pay Grade E-3 through E-7
No greater than 13 years and 1 month TIS on contract date
Payment is processed lump sum upon contract date
Two-year Reenlistment/Extension Bonus (REB) payment rate:
For a minimum 4 years
Pay Grade E-3 through E-7
No greater than 13 years and 1 month TIS on contract date
Payment is processed lump sum upon contract date
Amounts can change frequently and can vary, so ensure you contact the Retention NCOIC for more information.
State Retention NCOIC
SSG Nickoy Noel