Military Police (31A)
A military police officer is responsible for leading the Soldiers that protect lives and property on Army Installations.
Officers supervise the execution of the five military police Battlefield functions: Maneuver and mobility support operations (reconnaissance and surveillance), Area security operations (site security and response), Law & order operations (law enforcement and developing host-nation police forces), Internment/resettlement operations (military prisoners and enemy combatants), and Police intelligence operations.
Lead small, tactical military police units and organizations Advisor to the Army Reserve and Army National Guard
Those who want to serve must first take the Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery and score a minimum of 110 in the General Technical (GT) section; a series of tests that helps you better understand your strengths and identify which Army jobs are best for you.
Job training for a military police officer requires completing the Basic Officer Leader Course II and 10 weeks of Military Police Basic Officer Leadership Course III in Fort Leonard Wood, Mo.
Some of the skills you’ll learn are:
Officer leadership responsibilities
Skills and tactics of the Military Police Corps
Self-discipline, confidence and intelligence
Physically and mentally fit to perform under pressure
Ability to make quick decisions
Capable of bearing numerous responsibilities