Military Intelligence (35D)
The Army’s military intelligence is responsible for all collected intelligence during Army missions. They provide essential information that often save the Soldiers fighting on front lines.
Military Intelligence Officers specialize in these specific areas:
Imagery Intelligence: Collection and analysis of imagery using photogrammetry and terrain analysis.
All-Source Intelligence: Performs collection management/surveillance/reconnaissance and provides advice.
Counterintelligence: Provides coordination and participation in counterintelligence investigations, operations and production.
Human intelligence: Controlled collection operations and interviews. Signals intelligence/electronic warfare: Collects signal intelligence and engages in electronic warfare. All-source intelligence aviator: Performs duties as an aviator/MI officer and participates in special electronic mission aircraft missions.
Command and coordinate the military intelligence Soldiers and combined armed forces Assess risks associated with friendly/enemy courses of action and act to counter/neutralize intelligence threats
Use intelligence systems and data to reduce uncertainty for a commander
Those who want to serve must first take the Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery and score a minimum of 110 in the General Technical (GT) section; a series of tests that helps you better understand your strengths and identify which Army jobs are best for you.
Job training for a military intelligence officer requires completing the Military Intelligence Officer Basic Course. Part of this time is spent in the classroom and in the field.
Some of the skills you’ll learn are:
Leadership skills and tactics in an Infantry platoon
Maintenance and operational aspects of weapons and vehicles
Self-discipline, confidence and intelligence
Physically and mentally fit to perform under pressure
Ability to make quick decisions
Capable of bearing numerous responsibilities
The skills you learn will help prepare you for a career in fields such as business management. An officer in the Army is closely related to managerial positions in corporations.